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31 December, 2021

今年即將結束,那些曾經聖化自己日子的將歡欣鼓舞!這一年得以聖化是因為忠信地回應了天主,以及為天主而作的感恩工作。願光榮歸於聖父、聖子和聖神,願天主的祝福降臨到妳們每個人身上,並時常與妳們在一起。(FSP59, p. 197).

The year is ending and how happy are those who have sanctified their days! … And this sanctification of the year is the faithful correspondence and gratefulness of works done for the Lord. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. May God’s blessing descend upon each of you and remain with you always (FSP59, p. 197).


31 December, 2021
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