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26 January, 2022

讓我們相信聖保祿是一位溫柔的父親。他對他的第一批門徒:聖弟鐸、聖弟茂德、聖戴格蘭、聖路加和費肋孟懷抱怎樣的感情!有多少聖人在他身邊不成長繁盛的呢!他們曾經大放異彩,即便是現在也深具影響力。(APim, 247)

Let us be convinced that St. Paul is a very tender father. What affection he did not have for his first disciples: St. Titus, St. Timothy, St. Thecla, St. Luke and Philemon! How many saints did not bloom around him! They flourished then, they will flourish even now (APim, 247).


26 January, 2022
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