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19 August, 2022

保祿家庭代表著要活出今日的聖保祿;像聖保祿一樣思考,一樣熱忱祈禱,一樣聖化自己。聖保祿完善地實踐了愛天主和愛近人這兩條誡命,讓人在他身上看到基督。(APim, 226-227)

[The Pauline Family] resolves to represent and live St. Paul, today, thinking, being zealous, praying, sanctifying itself as St. Paul would do if he lived today. He lived the two precepts of love for God and neighbour in a manner so perfect as to let Christ be seen in his person: “Christ lives in me” [Gal 2:20] (APim, 226-227).


19 August, 2022
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