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19 September, 2022

真正的熱忱必須來自完全愛天主的心。只有心中燃燒著對主的真愛,才能感受到對人靈的熱忱。這樣的人會不遺餘力,不計較是否舒適,不顧惜自己的生命:即使生活卡關,也保持著活力及興趣,不致失去熱忱。(APim, 86)

In order to be true, zeal must be born of a heart fully in love with the Lord. Only a heart aflame with a true love for the Lord can feel that ardour for souls that spares nothing, not comforts, not interest, not life, not oneself. It’s a zeal that never stops, even in the midst of human contradictions (APim, 86).


19 September, 2022
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