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14 October, 2022

無時無刻都要福傳,這是主的命令:「你們往普天下去,向一切受造物宣傳福音」。正如所有人都蒙召獲得救恩,因此,所有人都必須知道天主所啟示的真理、該遵守的誡命,以及認識到達目標的恩寵之道。(UPS III, 124)

Evangelization to be carried out in every age and every place, in accordance with God’s command: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation”. As all are called to salvation so all must know the truths revealed by God, the precepts to be observed and the means of grace in order to reach their objective (UPS III, 124).


14 October, 2022
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