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22 October, 2022

聖保祿宗徒是修會的真正創始人。事實上,他是父親、老師、模範和保護者。他為自己建立了這個家庭,在物質和精神悉心看顧我們。即便是現在我們回想起來,也無法透徹理解他對我們的愛有多麼大,更別說要完全解釋清楚了。(APim, 225)

St. Paul the Apostle is the true Founder of the Institute. In fact, he is its Father, Teacher, exemplar and protector. He himself has made this family through an intervention so physical and spiritual that not even now, reflecting upon it, can we understand it and much less explain it (APim, 225).


22 October, 2022
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