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14 November, 2022

真愛是有創造力的!當你心中有熱火(不是多愁善感或畫大餅空想)時,你會發現許多創舉和許多事業。真正的愛是表現在每天為了使徒工作所付出的努力:它刺激你想法子、到處奔波、籌畫安排。(Haec meditare II, 8 [1948], pp. 179-180)

Love, true love, is inventive. When one has fire in one’s heart (not something sentimental and vapid), one finds many initiatives and many industries. True love is that which is shown by the effort of each day for the apostolate: it makes one think, run, organize (Haec meditare II, 8 [1948], pp. 179-180).


14 November, 2022
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