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February 22

耶穌,神聖的導師,我感謝並讚美祢至甘飴的聖心,因為祢賜給了我們教會這個大恩。她是教授我們真理,領導我們走向天堂,並傳給我們超性生命的母親。……求祢賜我聖寵使我愛她,如同祢曾愛了她一樣,並在祢的聖血中聖化了她。(PR 136-137)

O Jesus, Divine Master, I bless and thank your most sweet heart for the great gift of the Church. She is the Mother who instructs us in the truth, guides us on the way to heaven, communicates supernatural life to us… Grant me the grace to love her, as you have loved her and sanctified her in your blood (PR 136-137).


February 22
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