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8 December, 2021

與瑪利亞一起預備聖誕節,無原罪聖母已為我們預備了一部分,潔淨心靈。現在,懷著愛轉眼注視著搖籃……自問我們是否仁慈待人?是否缺少合一精神?我們可以貢獻什麼?因為我們是一個身體:耶穌的奧體。(FSP59, p. 192)

Get ready for Christmas with Mary. The Immaculate has already prepared us in part, purifying our hearts. Now turn to the crib with love… see if something is missing from the charity, from the spirit of union, see what we can contribute, because we are all one body, the mystical body of Jesus (FSP59, p. 192).


8 December, 2021
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