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30 December, 2021

耶穌召喚牧羊人和賢士馬槽前。天使邀請的第一批是牧羊人,他們去了,找到那嬰孩,就朝拜了祂。不是富有的人,不是聰明的人,不是有權勢的人,不是有地位的人拔得頭籌;而是窮人、謙卑的人、單純的人……(BM, p. 288).

Jesus called the shepherds and the wise men to his cradle. The shepherds were the first, invited by the Angels… And they went, and they found the child, and they worshipped him. Not the rich, not the wise, not the powerful, not the dignitaries were called first; but the poor, the humble, the simple (BM, p. 288).


30 December, 2021
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