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2 August, 2022

傳布福音者的工作是必要的。天上導師希望我們祈求莊稼的主人,派遣好的工人去收割莊稼。耶穌親自尋找宗徒,塑造他們,派遣他們!祂在聖神降臨時聖化他們,讓他們能承擔使命。(UPS I, 21)

Evangelical workers are needed for works. It is something the Divine Master wants. He tells us to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send good workers into his harvest. He himself sought out his future apostles, he trained them, he sent them out! He sanctified them at Pentecost so that they could undertake their work (UPS I, 21).


2 August, 2022
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