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23 February, 2022

印刷工作,就像宣道的使徒工作,需要圍繞祭台和聖體龕。讓我們回到泉源!唯有如此,我們才有完整的敬禮,才有思想、意志和心靈得到完美滋養的基督徒!只有這樣,人才能真正全心、全意、全力地愛天主。(AE, 429)

The press apostolate, like the word apostolate, needs to be brought back around the altar and the tabernacle… Let us return to the sources! Only in this way shall we have complete worship, the perfect Christian, the person nourished in mind, will and heart! Only in this way can we truly love the Lord with all our heart, all our strength and all our mind (AE, 429).


23 February, 2022
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