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26 February, 2022

願藉由聖保祿宗徒的代禱,能興起一群慷慨的人,使天主歡心喜悅。他們把一切的行動——祈禱、工作、犧牲和勇氣——導向三種尊貴形式的使徒服務(編輯、技術和發行),他們唯一的目的是救贖工程:「天主在天受光榮,世人在地享平安」。(AE, 484)

May it please the Divine Master, through the intercession of the Apostle Saint Paul, to raise up a host of generous people who will direct the whole of their activity – prayer, work, sacrifice and daring – to these three noble forms of apostolate, setting as their Redemption’s own goal: «Gloria Deo, pax hominibus» (AE, 484).


26 February, 2022
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