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4 February, 2022

使徒的目標不單只為了人在能力方面的完善,而是要整個人的圓滿,也就是:成為理智、意志和情感充沛的人,同時展露出要相信的真理、要遵循的道路,以及對天主恩賜的渴慕,以能相信並按照自己的召叫而行事。(AE, 222)

What the apostle has to aim for is to perfect not just one of the human faculties, but the whole human person gifted with intellect, will and feeling, while at the same time setting out for oneself the truth to be believed, the way to be followed and the means to acquire God’s grace in order to believe and to act in accordance with one’s own vocation (AE, 222).


4 February, 2022
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