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9 January, 2022

我們在洗禮中領受恩竉的生命,在堅振中使它增長,在和好聖事中修補它,在聖體聖事中走向至善。我們必須與耶穌的生命聯合起來,透過感恩祭、默想、聖體聖事和朝拜聖體來增加我們身上的恩寵。然後我們的理智、意志和心就變成是耶穌的。(PrP I, 11)

We receive the life of grace in baptism, we increase it in confirmation, we repair it in penance, we perfect it in the Eucharist. We must unite with Jesus Life by increasing the grace in us with Mass, Meditations, Communions, Visits. Then it happens that the mind, the will, the heart become Jesus’ (PrP I, 11).


9 January, 2022
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