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3 July, 2022

如果你有成聖的意願,你進入教堂時,會懷著愛望著聖體龕:從那扇小門後面,耶穌也帶著愛意,一個一個地在看你們,如同祂充滿愛意地注視富少年。耶穌全然認識你們,而我們認識祂嗎?(PrP I, 120-121)

Jesus looked at the rich young man with love. If you want to make yourselves holy, when you enter the church look at the Tabernacle with love: from behind that little door Jesus looks at you one by one with love and knows you all. And do we know Jesus? (PrP I, 120-121).


3 July, 2022
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