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6 November, 2022

困難不會缺少,但新郎與你同在,不要害怕!……你會遇到一些阻礙、一些荊棘,但看看結局吧。這條窄路通向何方呢?它將引人至天鄉,在那裡你將在最純淨的喜樂中永遠找到耶穌。(APD47, 496)

Difficulties will not be lacking, but the Bridegroom is with you, do not be afraid!… You will meet with hardships and thorns but look to the end. Where does this narrow way lead? It will lead to that heavenly homeland where you will finally find Jesus forever in the purest joy (APD47, 496).


6 November, 2022
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