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8 November, 2022

好好認識聖保祿……認識你們的父親:他的聖善生活、他的使徒工作、他的道理、他在天主面前的能力。認識基督的宗徒、外邦人的導師、教會的司牧、特選之器、福音的宣講者、基督的殉道者。(APim, 228)

To know better St. Paul… “Know your Father”: his holy life, his apostolate, his doctrine, his power before God. To know the Apostle of Christ, the Teacher of the gentiles, the Minister of the Church, the Vessel of the election, the Preacher of the gospel, the Martyr of Christ (APim, 228).


8 November, 2022
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