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13 November, 2022

使用某種方式或另一種方法都無所謂;重要的是有熱忱的心靈,想要將擁有的一切傾注到人們心中。這就是使徒想要做的工作,無論使用什麼工具:印刷、電影、廣播、學校、宣講等等。(Haec Meditare II, 7 [1947], p. 133)

It does not matter that one medium or another is used; it matters that there are ardent hearts and souls that want to pour all their fullness into the hearts of people. This is the soul that wants to do the apostolate, whatever means it uses: press, cinema, radio, school, the spoken word, etc. (Haec Meditare II, 7 [1947], p. 133).


13 November, 2022
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