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24 November, 2022

最後我感到這是一種啟示。我明白這種做法需要耗盡人的一生,我渴望每個人都能明瞭、實踐並活出這種對耶穌導師道路、真理和生命的熱忱,就是傳遞良善,這是給予所愛之人最美麗的禮物。(PrP I, 12)

At the end I sensed a revelation. I understood that this practice took up the whole of man’s life and I felt the desire that everyone should know, practice and live this devotion [to Jesus Master Way, Truth and Life]: to communicate and give good is the most beautiful gift that one can give to those one loves (PrP I, 12).


24 November, 2022
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