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2 October, 2022

聖保祿是深愛人靈的使徒:他為他們而繼續活在世上,在他的書信中充分表達最溫柔的情懷。現在我們學習他的榜樣,接受他的教導……他多麼愛我們啊!因此,他在天堂上能不看顧我們嗎? (APim, 109)

St. Paul is the apostle all aflame with love for souls. Already on this earth, he lived for them and his letters are full of the most tender expressions of affection. Now we are instructed by him… He teaches us through the splendour of his examples. How much affection, therefore, does he not have for us from paradise! (APim, 109).


2 October, 2022
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