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17 October, 2022

你們要如同聖保祿一樣,必須成為出版的使徒;要像他一樣有顆包容全人類旳廣闊的心,以及不知疲倦的英勇行動。你們必須從他學習「為一切人成為一切」的技巧。祕訣就在於愛:在任何事上應有愛德。(APim, 147)

Like St. Paul, the apostle of the editions must be a great heart that embraces all of humanity, his activity tireless and heroic. He must learn from his model the art of making himself “all for all”. The secret is love: “In all things, charity!” (APim, 147).


17 October, 2022
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