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10 September, 2022

若我們知道聖保祿在世上做了多少善事,特别是對我們這些外邦人的後裔所成就的善;看他的生活、他的工作、他的書信:我們就更會向他祈求,更愛他,更效法他。從他身上我們會學會基督信仰的兩種基本美德:對耶穌及對近人的愛。(APim, 20)

Would that we knew the good that St. Paul has done for the world, especially for us descendants of the gentiles! If we read his life, his works and his letters: how much more would we pray to him, love him and imitate him. From him, we would learn the two virtues that are the foundation of Christianity: love for Jesus and love that will show itself in zeal for one’s neighbour (APim, 20).


10 September, 2022
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