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15 September, 2022

戰勝自己……除掉毛病,以美德取而代之。驕傲的人要謙虛,嫉妒的人要慈善,懶惰的人要熱心。誰若不足,就請求主賜予堅忍,這是一種樞德,是的,也是聖神的禮物。(APim, 263)

Overcoming ourselves… Do away with defects to be able to put in their place the opposite virtues. One who is proud, replace with humility, and one instead who is inclined to envy, replace with charity. One inclined to laziness, replace with fervour. Let the feeble person ask the Lord for strength, which is a cardinal virtue and also a gift of the Holy Spirit (APim, 263).


15 September, 2022
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