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7 May, 2023

上主將我們每個人介紹給瑪利亞,說:「這是妳的兒子。」我們這位母親非常偉大,具備力量,充滿智慧,她有一顆博愛之心,愛著每個人。她履行了一位好母親對孩子的職責。成果就是我們的信德倍增。(Pr 1, 150)

The Lord from heaven designates to Mary each of us: Behold your son. Very great is our Mother, very powerful, very wise: a heart that loves everyone. She fulfils towards every soul the offices that a good mother has towards her son. Then the fruit must be great confidence (Pr 1, 150)


7 May, 2023
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