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February 27

假使天主要我們祈禱,那麼祂必定會回應我們,因為祂是信實的天主;祂渴望聆聽我們。如果祂親自教導我們要祈求……也就表示祂想聆聽我們,祂已為我們準備了恩寵,為每個人準備了恩典。所以,我們要懷著堅忍的信心,向祂祈禱。(APD56, 122)

If the Lord has promised, if he has commanded to pray, he therefore wants to hear us; he wants to listen to us. And if he himself taught us to ask … it is a sign that he wants to listen to us, that he has prepared graces for us, graces for everyone. Then: pray with firm trust (APD56, 122).


February 27
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