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February 29

愛德,也就是天主的愛,吸納了所有的定志,綜合了一切的美德,這是終點。我們內在的聖殿是建立在信德之上,在望德中興起,在愛德內完成和實現。如果信德是地基,望德是建築物的圍牆,那麼愛德就是完工的成屋。(APD56, 131)

Charity, the love of God, which absorbs and includes all the other resolutions, synthesizes all the other virtues, is the point of arrival. Since the spiritual building is based on faith, is raised on hope and is fulfilled and completed with charity. If faith is the foundation, hope forms the walls of the building, charity is the fulfilment (APD56, 131)


February 29
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