天主的生命是藉著耶穌基督、由聖神傳遞給我們,所以我們有必要與耶穌基督共融合一,以便與祂一起同在祂的父和聖神內。 Since divine life is communicated to us by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ, it is necessary that we incorporate ourselves into Jesus Christ to be with him and […]
天主的生命是藉著耶穌基督、由聖神傳遞給我們,所以我們有必要與耶穌基督共融合一,以便與祂一起同在祂的父和聖神內。 Since divine life is communicated to us by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ, it is necessary that we incorporate ourselves into Jesus Christ to be with him and […]