穿著與眾不同、做事標新立異的人,如果没有與天主合作、毫無謙遜,只以世人的方式行事,最終他們只會兩手空空。(RSP, p. 152) People who wear a distinguished habit, people who do distinct things but without union with God, without humility, remain empty-handed at the end: they have performed in […]
穿著與眾不同、做事標新立異的人,如果没有與天主合作、毫無謙遜,只以世人的方式行事,最終他們只會兩手空空。(RSP, p. 152) People who wear a distinguished habit, people who do distinct things but without union with God, without humility, remain empty-handed at the end: they have performed in […]