使徒知道何時揭開遮蓋聖母內在生活的面紗,看清她是多麼純樸。她的生活總結起來,應該是每位基督徒的理想:一切都是為了耶穌,偕同耶穌,在耶穌內…… The apostle will know the time and place to remove the veil that hides from our gaze the inner life of the Virgin Mary and highlight how uncomplicated and […]
使徒知道何時揭開遮蓋聖母內在生活的面紗,看清她是多麼純樸。她的生活總結起來,應該是每位基督徒的理想:一切都是為了耶穌,偕同耶穌,在耶穌內…… The apostle will know the time and place to remove the veil that hides from our gaze the inner life of the Virgin Mary and highlight how uncomplicated and […]