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我們修會的誕生是為了傳播真理,並善加使用一切能夠提升生活、獲得永恆救恩的方式。(UPS III, 131) Our Congregation was born for the spread of truth and of all that is useful for a loftier way of life, particularly in view of our eternal salvation (UPS III, 131).


在當代,出了一個專門從事出版使徒工作的宗教團體,它就是聖保祿會。(AE, 56) The Pious Society of St. Paul is a religious congregation that was founded in our times and concerns itself specifically with the publishing apostolate (AE, 56).


我們反思至聖瑪利亞的角色,亳無疑問地,她是最名符其實的出版使徒,是「歷史的皇后」。(AE, 113) The particular feature and the most suitable one for the publishing apostle when he reflects on Mary is undoubtedly that of “Queen of History” (AE, 113).


我們罪人多麼悲慘呀,而天主卻是多麼的好!我們就算窮盡一生深入探究,也永遠不能澈底明白天主的美善。我們要相信天主已經忘記並赦免了我們的過錯;相信祂會不顧一切的使你成聖。(APD47, 437) How miserable are we and how good is the Lord on the other hand! We will never understand God’s goodness, no matter how much we study it. May you have the trust that God has forgotten and forgiven the past mistakes: trust that he shall make you saints, in spite of everything (APD47, […]


天父比世上的父親好得多,祂會把祂的精神給你,如果你滿懷信心懇求祂,祂會把你所渴望的聖德賜給你。只要是能光榮祂並對你有益處的,祂都會恩賜給你。(APD47, 438) The Heavenly Father is much, much better than the earthly fathers; he will give you his spirit, he will give you the holiness you desire if you ask for it with confidence. He will give you other things he shall give you in so far as they are for his glory and for […]


天主對你們不好嗎?為什麼你們還沒有學會相信祂的話、祂的許諾?祂說:「你們敲門,就會給你們開門;你們求,就會得到。」(APD47, 438) Did the Lord not prove how good he is with you? Why have you not learned yet to trust in his word, in his promises? “Knock and the door will be opened to you; ask and it will be given to you” (APD47, 438).


愛這位先愛了你們的天主,祂從永恆就想到你們。祂讓你們生在虔誠的家庭,在一個天主教的國家,在你們內安放了善的傾向;祂給了你們聖召的恩典。你們要愛這位如此寵愛你們的天主。(APD47, 494) Love this God who first loved you and who has been thinking of you from all eternity. He has given you birth in pious families, in a Christian country, he has placed in you many good inclinations; he has given you the grace of vocation. Love this God who loves you so much […]


你們要有信心,不要懷疑!耶穌說:「假如你們有像芥子那麼大的信德,你們向這座山說:從這邊移到那邊去!它必會移過去的。」你們有這樣的信德嗎?你們有至少像芥子一樣的信德嗎?很多時候,我們對於道理相信不疑,但在日常生活中,信德卻脆弱不堪!你們要堅信不疑!(APD47, 52) May you have faith and do not doubt! Jesus says: “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you would be able to say to this mountain: ‘Move from here to there’ and it would move!” Do you have this faith? Do you have at least a mustard seed’s worth of […]


耶穌以身作則,祂以聖體的形貌,慈愛又安靜地保持沉默。……你要常藉著朝拜聖體來陪伴耶穌,你必須趕快學會像祂那樣的生活。耶穌聖體是最有吸引力、最完美的模範。(APD47, 522) Jesus makes silence, lovingly keeping silent according to his eucharistic state; he teaches and lives... You who often keep Jesus’ company through the Visit, the Adoration, you should quickly learn to live like him. Jesus Host is your most attractive, most perfect model (APD47, 522).


學習仁愛。愛,愛,愛!……不僅思想要好,心態要好,還要說好話、做好事。你要讓生活變得美好,使和你一起生活的人更快樂……不再悲傷、生氣與嫉妒,在和平、喜悅及愛中行走。(APD47, 528) Learn charity. Love, love, love!... It is not only to think well but to desire what is good, to speak well and to do good when you can. Make life beautiful and joyful to those who live together with you... No sadness, no sulking, no envy; walk in peace, in joy and in […]


保持平靜安詳,並且像確知必獲得恩寵那樣,欣喜盼望。(APD47, 53) Stay calm, serene, and await the graces as if they were already obtained (APD47, 53).


我們的獻身必須具備不斷邁步向前的生活節奏:經常思及天主……意志完全服從天主的旨意……內心的情感委順於天主的愛,讓耶穌真正成為生活的中心。(APD47, 56) Donation must be lived with an ever-progressive rhythm: in the mind with frequent thought of God... in the will with perfect submission to the divine will... in the heart by subordinating all the affections to divine love, so that Jesus may truly become the centre of all life (APD47, 56).