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時常保持謙卑,是獲得滿渥恩典的條件。(APD47, 381) Remain in humility, always in humility, it is the condition to obtain graces, all the graces (APD47, 381).


盡量沉浸於基督內,深入祂的思想、祂對天父的的完美敬拜與讚美,直到你真正能說:基督在我內生活……我有與耶穌相同的感受。(APD47, 385) Penetrate as much as possible into Christ, into his thoughts, into his perfect adoration, into the praise he gives to the Father until you can truly say: Christ lives in me... Have the same sentiments of Jesus (APD47, 385).


閱讀聖經,默思它的真理;反覆思索,讓真理深入心靈。(APD47, 389) Reading Sacred Scripture, considering the truth, re­reading what has been heard and meditated on, letting the truth penetrate the soul (APD47, 389).


活在耶穌基督內!你若願意的話,你可在祂這條廣闊大道上前進。(APD47, 391) Self-identification in Jesus Christ. It is an immense way and you can progress in it until you want (APD47, 391).


當耶穌引領祂所愛的新娘,與祂親密地晤談,祂的話語對我們個人是非常窩心的,正如雅歌所描述的那樣。(APD47, 392) After bringing his Bride in the private cell of his love and intimacy, Jesus says things that are mysterious and reserved, like those described in the Song of Songs (APD47, 392).


如果有人說:我把自己完全交託在主手中,祂可以把我視作抹布拿去除塵,也可把我當成高貴的祭臺布。我全在祂的手中,我只為取悅祂,我的淨配。如果妳們有這種心態,就能安穏地走在成聖的路上。(APD47, 427) If someone would say: I totally abandon myself to the Lord; He may use me as a dust cloth or as altar linen; I am in his hands and I only seek to please Him, my Spouse. If she really possesses this disposition, she is well underway towards holiness (APD47, 427).


為每一個人著想;善待每個人;真誠地愛每個人。(APD47, 430) Think well of everybody; do good to everybody; desire sincerely the good of all (APD47, 430).


至聖童貞在諸聖人中居於首位,她是繼耶穌之後,我們可以效法的完美典範。因著耶穌基督,聖神住在聖母內,使她成為聖子活生生的複製品。接近瑪利亞就是接近耶穌。(AE, 203) Since the Virgin Mary holds the primacy among the Saints, she is, after Jesus, the most beautiful model we could imitate. The Holy Spirit, who dwelt in her through the merits of Jesus Christ, made her a living copy of her divine Son. To draw close to Mary is to draw close to […]


實踐愛德。祈願姐妹們好,願她們成聖,為她們的天賦、她們的好榜樣而感到高興,不要嫉妒她們;了解她們的需求,讓她們的需要成為妳的所需。(APD47, 430) Practice charity of the heart. Desire the good of the Sisters, desire that they may be saints, be glad of their gifts, of their good example of which you must not be jealous, understand their need and make them yours (APD47, 430).


讓我們興高采烈地拿起會憲,親吻它,默想它,因為它指出了最好的方法、最理想的部分,以達到最大的效果──聖德。完善的信德,充沛的望德,熱切的愛德……;是的,為了所有人,高興地把一切交託給天主!始終保持最高的熱忱!(UPS I, 43) With joy let us take the book of the Constitutions, let us kiss it, let us meditate on it because in it are indicated the best means, the optimam partem for the maximum: holiness. The fullness of faith, the exuberance of hope, the ardour of charity...; yes, happy to give God everything, […]


善加組織使徒工作。不要立刻想著創新;改進與發展已在進行的,讓已開始的工作開花成果。最重要的是,注重主題並持之以恒。(APD47, 434) Organize the apostolate well. Do not immediately think of many novelties; improve and develop that which is already existing; let the works that were started mature and produce. Above all, pay attention to the substance and be constant (APD47, 434).


保祿家庭代表著要活出今日的聖保祿;像聖保祿一樣思考,一樣熱忱祈禱,一樣聖化自己。聖保祿完善地實踐了愛天主和愛近人這兩條誡命,讓人在他身上看到基督。(APim, 226-227) resolves to represent and live St. Paul, today, thinking, being zealous, praying, sanctifying itself as St. Paul would do if he lived today. He lived the two precepts of love for God and neighbour in a manner so perfect as to let Christ be seen in his person: “Christ lives in me” (APim, […]