主啊,請使我常行走在光明中……讓我在世上開始完美地崇敬祢至高的尊威,日後在天上也繼續進行。(BM, 521) Lord, let me always walk in the light... Allow me to begin on earth a perfect worship of your Majesty, so that I can continue it in heaven (BM, 521).
主啊,請使我常行走在光明中……讓我在世上開始完美地崇敬祢至高的尊威,日後在天上也繼續進行。(BM, 521) Lord, let me always walk in the light... Allow me to begin on earth a perfect worship of your Majesty, so that I can continue it in heaven (BM, 521).
正如天主聖言在最聖潔的貞女子宮中取了血肉,聖體也是保存在最貴重的金屬聖體盒裡;所以,天主聖言被賦以最高貴的形式也是合宜的。(AE, 142) Just as the Word of God became incarnate in the most pure womb of the holiest of Virgins, and the Eucharist is kept in ciboria of precious metal, so is it fitting that the word of God be clothed in the noblest form (AE, 142).