是耶穌吸引人到自己身邊,將他置於自己心上,並滿懷信任地對他說話……你沒感覺到耶穌想顯現給你、聖神想成為你的老師嗎?(APD47, 383) It is Jesus who draws the person to himself, who takes him into his heart and talks to him with confidence... Can you not hear that it is […]
是耶穌吸引人到自己身邊,將他置於自己心上,並滿懷信任地對他說話……你沒感覺到耶穌想顯現給你、聖神想成為你的老師嗎?(APD47, 383) It is Jesus who draws the person to himself, who takes him into his heart and talks to him with confidence... Can you not hear that it is […]