機器、麥克風、屏幕是我們的講台;印刷厰、製片場、放映室、廣播間,就像是我們的聖堂。(CISP, p. 832) The machine, the microphone, the screen are our pulpit; the printing press, the production, projection and broadcasting room is like our church (CISP, p. 832).
接近聖保祿的人都會漸漸改變,學會像他一樣生活,像他一樣祈禱。熱愛聖保祿的人,心胸很快會變得寬廣慷慨。(È necessario pregare sempre 2 , p. 362) One who comes near to St. Paul little by little transforms himself, learns to live like him, to pray like him. He quickly makes his heart big and becomes generous, broad in his outlook and ardent and tender in his love for Christ (È necessario pregare sempre […]
牧民關懷是牧養人靈的藝術,是神聖的任務與事業,尋求將靈魂帶往天堂,拯救他們。(FSP33**, 23) Pastoral care is the art of the pastor of souls, it is the art of pasturing, it is that divine office, that complex of holy industries that he seeks to lead souls to heaven, to save them (FSP33**, 23).
即使你們不理解對方,即使你們相處上有困難,但仍彼此相愛的話,就再好不過了。需要謙遜,這是仁愛的基礎;因為驕傲帶來混亂,嫉妒是仁愛的蛀蟲。 Love one another, very well, always well, even when of course you do not understand one another, even when there are difficulties. Ask for humility which is the foundation of charity, because pride creates disorder and envy is the worm of charity (FSP33**, 31).
如果我們沒有做好我們的使命,主會取代我們。常有偏離特定目標的危險!必須常宣講天主聖言,因為總有人需要被拯救。媒體工具可以改換,但必須常保持宣講。(FSP33**, 31) (Vademecum, n. 1065) If we do not carry out our mission well, the Lord may replace us. There is always a danger of deviating from the special purpose! The Word of God must always be preached: there will always be souls to be saved. The means may vary, but the preaching must remain […]