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  2. 111年09月

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真正的熱忱必須來自完全愛天主的心。只有心中燃燒著對主的真愛,才能感受到對人靈的熱忱。這樣的人會不遺餘力,不計較是否舒適,不顧惜自己的生命:即使生活卡關,也保持著活力及興趣,不致失去熱忱。(APim, 86) In order to be true, zeal must be born of a heart fully in love with the Lord. Only a heart aflame with a true love for the Lord can feel that ardour for souls that spares nothing, not comforts, not interest, not life, not oneself. It’s a zeal that never stops, even […]


使徒遇到善良的人,就用福音的教導來軟化他們;當發現他們的思想向真理開放,就予以啟發;他赢取人靈,吸引他們,替天主贏得他們,提升他們到更高的層次。(APim, 89) The Apostle, meeting with good hearts, sweetens them through the teachings of the Gospel; when he finds open minds, he enlightens them; he wins souls, draws them to himself, gains them for God and sometimes raises them to the greatest heights (APim, 89).


不要因失敗而氣餒,因為這是天主用來考驗我們的恆心和忠信的工具。(APim, 90) Don’t be discouraged in front of failures because they are the trials with which God wants to test our constancy and fidelity (APim, 90).


現在,報刋已經成為主導世界的力量:可以說,誰掌管報刋,誰就掌管世界的方向。媒體是支撐道德、政治、社會和宗教世界的出發點。(APim, 92) Today the press has become the leading power of the world such that we can say that whoever owns the direction of the press owns the direction of the world. It is the point of departure with which it is possible to lift up the moral, political, social, religious world... (APim, 92).


在我們這特殊的生活環境中,我們有何能耐?重要的是盡你所能做你能作的。有些人捐獻,有些人放棄財產,有些人做出犧牲……有些人為了好的印刷品而付出自己的生命。那麼我們可做什麼,又如何做呢?(APim, 93) What is possible for us? In the special circumstances of our life? It matters to do good, how much we can, all that we can. One gives offerings, one gives away his inheritance, one makes some sacrifices, one works with all the fervour of his spirit, another spends his life for the good […]


你要與至聖瑪利亞聯合在一起,要為了她,在她內朝拜、感谢、祈禱並滿足於此時此地。你要告訴至聖瑪利亞說:「我把我的意願放在妳的意願內,我與妳、並在妳內一起祈禱。我透過妳最純潔的手來祈禱。」(APD47, 116) Unite yourselves to Mary Most Holy and with her, through her, in her, adore, thank the Lord; pray and make satisfaction. Say to Mary Most Holy: “I place your intentions, I pray with you, in you; I let my prayer pass through your most pure hands” (APD47, 116).


勇敢起來吧!如果壞人如此熱衷於媒體;我們豈不更該為好事而做媒體福傳嗎?勇敢吧!儘管犧牲很多,但也相對有回報,而且十分之大。(APim, 93) Take courage: if the bad are so zealous for their press, what should we not do for the good? – Take courage: there will be many sacrifices to undergo, but the reward also will be great, even very great, in heaven (APim, 93).


機器、麥克風、屏幕是我們的講台;印刷厰、製片場、放映室、廣播間,就像是我們的聖堂。(CISP, p. 832) The machine, the microphone, the screen are our pulpit; the printing press, the production, projection and broadcasting room is like our church (CISP, p. 832).


接近聖保祿的人都會漸漸改變,學會像他一樣生活,像他一樣祈禱。熱愛聖保祿的人,心胸很快會變得寬廣慷慨。(È necessario pregare sempre 2 , p. 362) One who comes near to St. Paul little by little transforms himself, learns to live like him, to pray like him. He quickly makes his heart big and becomes generous, broad in his outlook and ardent and tender in his love for Christ (È necessario pregare sempre […]


牧民關懷是牧養人靈的藝術,是神聖的任務與事業,尋求將靈魂帶往天堂,拯救他們。(FSP33**, 23) Pastoral care is the art of the pastor of souls, it is the art of pasturing, it is that divine office, that complex of holy industries that he seeks to lead souls to heaven, to save them (FSP33**, 23).


即使你們不理解對方,即使你們相處上有困難,但仍彼此相愛的話,就再好不過了。需要謙遜,這是仁愛的基礎;因為驕傲帶來混亂,嫉妒是仁愛的蛀蟲。 Love one another, very well, always well, even when of course you do not understand one another, even when there are difficulties. Ask for humility which is the foundation of charity, because pride creates disorder and envy is the worm of charity (FSP33**, 31).


如果我們沒有做好我們的使命,主會取代我們。常有偏離特定目標的危險!必須常宣講天主聖言,因為總有人需要被拯救。媒體工具可以改換,但必須常保持宣講。(FSP33**, 31) (Vademecum, n. 1065) If we do not carry out our mission well, the Lord may replace us. There is always a danger of deviating from the special purpose! The Word of God must always be preached: there will always be souls to be saved. The means may vary, but the preaching must remain […]