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一盞非常純淨的油燈,慢慢地為在聖體中的耶穌消耗燃油。完美的獻身生活,是忠信到底的奉獻。全心為主耗盡一切,為了耶穌基督,全然付出自己的所有。(Pr 1, 9) Here is a lamp that has very pure oil, and slowly, slowly, that oil is consumed for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Here is the perfect religious; here is the religious faithful to the end. And how everything was consumed for the Lord by that heart, how everything was consumed by that […]


傳遞和平福音者的腳步是有福的。 編寫福音、印刷福音和傳播福音的手是有福的。為天主竭盡全力的人是有福的。(Pr 1, 8-9) Blessed are the feet that brought peace and the Gospel. Blessed are the hands that composed the Gospel, who printed it and carried it. Blessed are those who knew how to consume all their strength for God (Pr 1, 8-9).


沒有祈禱生活的人會接二連三地失敗。但祈禱的人,會恩寵上加恩寵。(RSp, 117) In the life of those who do not pray, there are failures that succeed one after another: internal and external. But whoever prays receives grace upon grace (RSp, 117).