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好的朝拜聖體,首先是活化整個心靈,再來是向天主獻上崇敬的態度,相信耶穌的教導,像祂那樣思考、那樣推論;没有其他條件可以更清楚、更精確地說明了。 In the hour of an adoration well done, first of all, our whole mind is set in motion to offer our first respect to God ... to believe what Jesus has taught and to think as he thought, to reason as Jesus reasoned; we have no other terms to express ourselves more clearly and […]


在服從中去愛,在愛中服從。修會的内部分裂會導致嚴重的後果:思想、方向、特徵、教義與工作的分歧。它們破壞了修會生活的根基和精神。 Charity in obedience and obedience in charity. The internal divisions in an Institute lead to the most serious consequences: divisions of thought, of direction, of character, of doctrine, of works. They destroy the spirit of the Institute at its root and in its life (UPS I, 291).


斡旋是渴望各群體和平共處;同時,這麼做也是希望在人類大家庭裡形成有益的和有使命感的社會。「祂不單在猶太人中召叫我們,也在外邦人中召叫我們」,要我們作和平使者。 Sociability requires a peaceful coexistence; but together it wants a beneficial and apostolic coexistence also in the wider human family. «He called us not only from among the Jews but also from among the pagans» (ACV, p. 138).


父親探望孩子,是父親和子女間的歡聚;總會或省會的友愛拜訪也是一樣……。目的是為建立更親密的關係,彼此問候,互遞消息,活力團體,給予勸勉和慰藉,一起祈禱。 There are paternal visits. They are joyful encounter between father and children; so are the visits of the Superior General or the Provincial ... They have the purpose of establishing more intimate relationships, exchanging of greetings and news and rejoicing. Together to pray, to exhort, to console (UPS III, 77).


在團體裡處處是愛,因為每個人都是為了團體而工作……。一切都為了團體的好處,因此一切都屬於愛。最普通的愛德、最美的愛德,從對待我們的近人開始實行。 In community everything is charity, because everyone works for the community ... Everything is done for the good of the community, therefore it is all charity. The charity most ordinary, charity most beautiful is the one that begins with those closest to you (APD56, 153).


完美的皈依是將我們所有的思想、行動、生活都轉成只為天主。需要改正的地方是如此地多:從驕傲變為謙遜;從執著於某些事情、某些想法和某些立場,變成以超脱的態度,對一切事物和人都保持平心。 The perfect conversion is to turn all our activity of mind, action, life, to God alone. Then how many conversion one needs: from being proud, to become humble; from attachments to certain things and certain ideas and certain positions, to detachment in order to be indifferent to everything and everyone... (FSP58, p. 241).


為團結貢獻一切——只有一個想法、一個方針,這是會憲所表明的,大家一起不斷祈禱,然後,在福傳工作中合作。 Contributing all to the unity: only a single thought, a single directive which is that of the Constitutions, a union of continued prayers and then, a collaboration in the apostolate (APD58, 175).


皈依必須是完整的:在思想上有新的思維,在心靈上有新的感受,在日常生活、行為、言談、做事、宗教生活上都要有新的方式。 The conversion must be complete. Of mind, new thoughts; and of heart, new sentiments; and of life, activity, action, a new way of speaking, of doing, of living religious life (FSP58, p. 241).


朝拜聖體不是死板和沒有運用理智的祈禱,如果缺少第一個「真理」的部分,就會只是無意識地口誦重複唸經。朝拜聖體不是念一個小時的經文。更正確地說,朝拜聖體是與耶穌對話,感受耶穌,並從耶穌那裡汲取營養。 Adoration is not a dead prayer that one does not understand and in which if the first part is missing, one recites it without understanding. The Visit is not an hour for reciting prayers ... But that which is the real sense of the Visit is to speak with Jesus, to feel Jesus and […]


和藹親切不能是假腥腥,不能是一種可笑的外衣;它必須打從心底為弟兄們的益處而著想。仁慈的人,也會十分容易客氣待人。真正發自內心的和善,會產生好話、好的意願、有禮貌、體貼和温柔。 Amiability cannot be a ridiculous paint; it must proceed from «good thinking and good desire» for one’s brothers. From benevolence to courtesy there is only one step. From good heart proceed good words, good wishes, courtesy, concern and delicacy (BM, p. 101).


同修會成員之間的關係應該由兄弟之愛所激發,其緊密的程度比自然家庭更完美。始終需要的是「同心合意」,正如聖經描述初期基督徒的那樣。 Relationship between religious must be inspired by brotherly love, but in a more perfect manner than in the natural family. It is necessary to have «one heart and one mind» as it was told of the early Christians (UPS IV, 218).


盡可能多為修會做出貢獻。不單單在工作上做出貢獻,更要以祈禱與克己,在使徒服務上做出貢獻,在聖召牧靈上作出貢獻,在團結合一的精神上做出貢獻,為團體帶來喜樂和熱誠。 Contribute to the Congregation as much as possible. Contribute not only with work, with the exercise of the apostolate, but contribute with prayer, with sacrifices; to contribute with the help of vocations; to contribute in bringing a spirit of unity, joy and fervour in the community (APD58, 160).