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耶穌讓瑪利亞成為人類的母親。母親賦予孩子生命;母親餵養孩子;母親保護孩子,給他穿衣服,尚未齊全的東西為他預備妥當。至聖母親賜予我們所有天上的恩寵,這是她的職責。(Pr 2, 178-179) Jesus made Mary mother of men... The mother gives life to her son; the mother feeds her child; the mother defends the child, dresses him and provides him with everything that the child is not yet able to obtain. Here is the office of our most holy Mother: she procures for us […]


瑪利亞,內修生活的宗徒;瑪利亞,神聖典範的宗徒;瑪利亞,受苦的宗徒;瑪利亞,關鍵發言的宗徒;瑪利亞,行動的宗徒:聖母瑪利亞的一生全是使徒工作,且尚未結束;此刻,這使徒工作在天堂仍然繼續著。(Pr 1, 129) Mary, the Apostle of interior life; Mary, the Apostle for her most holy examples; Mary, the Apostle for her suffering; Mary, the Apostle for her word; Mary, the Apostle for her action: Mary’s whole life is an apostolate, and this apostolate is not finished; this apostolate continues now in heaven (Pr 1, […]


如果聖神傾注更多的恩賜,那麼一個人就會以愉快、慷慨的精神走在聖德的路上;這時雖然有現實的困難與重擔,但我們幾乎不覺得沉重。(Pr 2, 120) If the Holy Spirit pours out his gifts abundantly, then onewalks with a cheerful, generous soul in the way of holiness; one hardly feels the weight, although in reality the weight, difficulties always accompany us (Pr 2, 120).


她是萬物之母;她是使徒的顧問;她是安慰者,不斷地鼓勵他們:她在世的歲月裡,她真正的使徒工作是自己的聖德榜樣。她偉大的使徒工作,就是使徒和教友們從她那裡學到如何實踐和活出福音。(Pr 1, 128) She was the Mother of all, she was the counsellor of the Apostles, she was their consoler; she continually encouraged them: and her own example of her holiness, in those years as long as she remained on earth, was a true apostolate. A great apostolate: the Apostles and the faithful learned from […]


聖神必須傾注上智、明達、超見和剛毅之恩:因為若少了來自天主的光,即便是最神聖的事物,也會不被重視。(Pr 1, 116) It is necessary that the Holy Spirit infuse his wisdom, his knowledge, the gift of counsel and strength: because, when there is no light that proceeds from God, even the holiest things are little esteemed (Pr 1, 116).


瑪利亞的使徒工作更為人熟知,因為我們知道晚餐廳裡,她坐在宗徒與門徒中間,以王后的身分在他們面前祈禱,鼓勵他們懷抱希望,並相信耶穌的應許。(Pr 1, 128) Mary’s apostolate is known even better when we see her seated among the Apostles in the Upper Room and there, as Queen, preceding them in prayer, encouraging them to hope and believe in the promises that Jesus had made (Pr1, 128).


是的,我們邀請耶穌住在我們內,藉著聖神的灌溉,在我們裡面喚起極大的崇敬與熱愛。我們盡心、盡力、盡意地愛祂;願對天主的愛以及對人的愛,在我們心中不斷成長。(Pr 2, 48-49) Yes, let us invite Jesus to live in us, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, stirring in us a great love for him. That we love him with all our mind, with all our strength, with all our heart; may charity grow in us: charity towards God, charity towards people (Pr […]


瑪利亞是宗徒之后。因著她的使命而堪當,她完成了最偉大的使徒工作——將耶穌基督賜給世界。瑪利亞是宗徒之后,她自己也是使徒。就像耶穌基督是使徒之王,是首位使徒:天父的使徒。(Pr 1, 121) Mary is the Queen of the Apostles. She is such because of her mission, and she is such because she has accomplished the greatest apostolate: that of giving Jesus Christ to the world. She is the Queen of the Apostles; she is an Apostle herself, as Jesus Christ is the King of […]


當聖神住在一個人的心靈裡,這人會產生基督徒的美德;聖神的傾注更加豐沛時,若我們相稱神聖的恩典,就能領受恩寵,結出美果,得到真正的幸福。(Pr 1, 43) When the Holy Spirit dwells in a soul, she produces the Christian virtues, the religious virtues; and when we have a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit, because we correspond to divine grace, it is here that one arrives at the gifts, at the fruits; one arrives at the beatitudes (Pr 1, […]


要將教會視為人類的導師:教會是信仰的導師、道德的導師、祈禱的導師;所有人都成為教會的溫順孩子,這個教會是繼續活在我們當中的耶穌基督。(Pr 2, 46) Consider the Church as Teacher of humanity: teacher of faith, teacher of morality, teacher of prayer; that all men become docile children of this Church, which is Jesus Christ who visibly continues to live among us (Pr 2, 46).


是聖神的恩賜感動並促使我們行善,履行職責;聖神的恩賜推動我們走向聖德。因此,聖神的恩賜使原本困難的事情變得容易……讓我們不斷祈求聖神,渴慕祂的恩賜。(Pr 2, 119-120) The gifts of the Holy Spirit... are actions of the Holy Spirit that urge us to practice good, to fulfil our duties; they push us towards sanctification. The gifts of the Holy Spirit, therefore, make easier what would be difficult in itself... Let us always invoke the Holy Spirit and his gifts […]


提到拜訪家庭的使徒工作,我們都會想起歡喜二端:聖母拜訪聖婦依撒伯爾。這是耶穌首次的宣傳行動。瑪利亞懷著他,將他帶給那個家庭,帶來健康、救恩和聖善。(Pr 5, 140) When speaking of propaganda, let us always remember the second joyful mystery: Mary’s visit to St Elizabeth. It is the first propaganda of Jesus. Mary herself carried him in her womb and brought him in health, salvation and sanctification to that family (Pr 5, 140).