善人在世享平安。善意與平安這份和平的禮物,包括與自己和好,與他人和好,與天主和好,以及聖德。(APD56, 33) Peace to men of good will. Goodwill and peace, the gift of peace, which gift includes peace with ourselves, peace with our neighbour, peace with God, holiness (APD56, 33).
善人在世享平安。善意與平安這份和平的禮物,包括與自己和好,與他人和好,與天主和好,以及聖德。(APD56, 33) Peace to men of good will. Goodwill and peace, the gift of peace, which gift includes peace with ourselves, peace with our neighbour, peace with God, holiness (APD56, 33).
祈禱是絕對有效的,因為它與屬靈的恩寵、成聖和天堂有關。因此,主說:「你們因我的名無論向父求什麼,我必要踐行。」(若十四13)。不依靠祈禱的人將走向滅亡。(La passione predominante, 46) Prayer is of infallible efficacy when dealing with spiritual graces, with sanctification, with Paradise. Now it is precisely here that “if you ask the Father in my name, in truth I tell you, He will give it to you” (Jn 14:13). Anyone who does not rely on prayer is on the […]
祈禱必須出於渴慕天主。要與祂更加親近,使自己更完善,盡力奮鬥,每天聖化自己一些。換句話說,也就是要愛天主和愛近人。如果好好履行這兩條誡命,就能成聖。(APD56, 304) Prayer must be born from this: feeling the need for God to unite us more to him, to perfect ourselves, to fight well, to conquer holiness a little bit every day, that is, love of God and love of neighbour, which are the two commandments which, fulfilled well, constitute holiness (APD56, 304).
祈禱,提升我們的生活,呼應我們的使命,意思是指獲得改進。一心渴慕成全,這是奉獻生活的總綱和主要任務。(APD56, 202) The main part is prayer. Prayer, so that our life improves, so that it corresponds well to the vocation, that is, to progress. To remain in perfection, since this is the overall, essential duty of religious life (APD56, 202).
東方賢士離開耶路撒冷,找到了那顆星,那顆星引導他們到了馬槽,到那嬰孩所在的山洞。如果我們持守聖召,也將日復一日地不斷獲得恩寵。(APD56, 644) And the Magi, having left Jerusalem again, found the star, which guided them to the house, to the cave where the Child was. If we are persevering in our vocation, we will always have graces day after day (APD56, 644).
主啊,我軟弱無能,只是個罪人;但祢是仁慈的,是永恆的智慧,我依靠祢,我希望從祢獲得一切。我們誦念〈成功的秘訣〉很有用處。(APD56, 23) It is very useful to recite the “Secret of Success”: Lord, I am nothing, I am very much a sinner, but you are mercy itself, eternal wisdom, knowledge, etc. I trust in you, I hope for everything and only from you (APD56, 23).
要不斷祈禱。正如必須吃飯才能生存一樣,我們也必須時時祈禱,好讓我們的精神生活不會死亡,反倒強壯有力。(APD56, 60) Our prayer must be persevering. Just as we must always eat to live, so we must always pray so that our spiritual life would not die and, instead, would prosper and be stronger (APD56, 60).
天主應允我們的祈禱,按照我們的信德尺度。我們對祈禱的信心決定了天主賜予恩寵的多寡:「願照你所信的,成就在你身上」。有信德的,禱聲將蒙垂聽。(APD56, 59) Faith. The Lord hears us according to the measure of faith. The faith we bring to our prayers is the one that determines the quantity of God’s graces: “Be it done to you as you believed.” You are heard as you believed, according to what you believed (APD56, 59).
意志優先,其次是祈禱……有良好的意願,又用心行動並努力祈禱,如果具備這兩個條件,那麼我們就會進步,步伐就會邁進。(APD 56, 46) First, the will; second, prayer... If these two conditions are met, goodwill on the one hand and a well-made and abundant prayer on the other, then one walks, one progresses, the steps move forward (APD56, 46).
什麼是祈禱呢?祈禱是將心靈提升到天主的面前;祈禱是為我們所需要的事物向天主懇求。(APD56, 47) What, then, is prayer? Prayer is the elevation of the mind to God; prayer is a request to God for the things that are necessary for us (APD56, 47).
一個人如果有好的意向,並熱誠地懇求,就會有所進步。度過的時光不會白白流逝……你會發現自己在德行、耐心、與主的共融,以及各種德行都更加進步。(APD56, 65) If on one side there is good will and, on the other, there is the demand, the prayer, the supplication, one will go ahead, the years will not be useless, they will not have passed in vain... you will find yourselves progressing in virtue, in union with God, in patience, in all the […]
禮儀性的祈禱能讓耶穌基督來到我們身邊,居於我們的生活、思想、工作及愛中。良心省察與祈禱,則能鼓舞人心,是基督徒持續且重要的渴望。(Requiescite pusillum, 2, 136) Liturgical prayer especially draws Jesus Christ to us in our living, thinking, working, loving. Examination of conscience and prayer: this is the continuous and vital aspiration and inspiration of the Christian (Requiescite pusillum, 2, 136).