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領受天主的恩寵並肖似祂的方法,常常是保持謙遜,因為恩寵如雨水落在山上,流到低谷。水不停留在山上,因此驕傲、位居高處的人得不到天主的恩寵。(APD56, 58) The way and the disposition to receive God’s graces is always humility, since grace is like water: water falls on the mountain and flows to the valleys. The mountain will remain dry. Thus, the proud do not receive the grace of God (APD56, 58).  


我們發現福音中某幾頁、某些段落似乎是為我們寫的。它們來自天上導師的勸誡,在我們看來,祂現今仍在說話,在我們看來,祂活生生的話語現在仍然滲入我們的靈魂。(APD56, 25) In the Gospel we will find some pages and some speeches that seem to have been written for us, some exhortations of the Divine Master that still speak to us now, his living word that would still penetrate our soul even now (APD56, 25).


以耶穌向人傳福音的愛和精神來閱讀福音。耶穌唯一的目的是光榮天父並教導心靈的、現世暫時的與永恆的和平道路。讓我們努力使自己成為真正的門徒……福音來自耶穌的聖心;要以充滿愛的心去詮釋福音。(LS 310) Read the Gospel with that love and spirit with which Jesus preached it to men. He aimed solely to glorify the Father and teach men the way of spiritual, temporal and eternal peace. Let us try to make ourselves true disciples... The Gospel came out of the Heart of Jesus; interpret it with […]


天堂是天主的產業:只要我們放棄自己的意願,就能擁抱天主的旨意。(APD56, 406) Paradise is the possession of God: God is possessed as much as we renounce our will in order to embrace God’s will (APD56, 406).


耶穌,祢是葡萄樹,我是葡萄枝;我願意與祢常相連著,為能結出許多果實。祢是泉源。求祢日益豐沛傾注聖寵,以聖化我的靈魂。祢是我的頭,我是祢的肢體。求祢將祢的的聖神及其所有的神恩傳給我。(PR 84) O Jesus, you are the vine and I am the branch: I want to always be united to you to bear many fruits of virtue. You are the source: pour out ever more abundant grace to sanctify my soul. You are my head, I am your member: bestow on me your Holy Spirit […]


對天主的愛,首先是渴望擁有天主並與祂生活在一起,其次是我們整個人與耶穌基督的真正結合。達到如聖保祿所說的最高境界:「基督在我內生活。」(APD56, 128) Love of God is the desire to possess God and to live united with him, first, and second, it is this true union of our whole being with Jesus Christ. And the point of arrival is the one indicated by St Paul and it is of the highest degree: “vivit vero in me […]


聖保祿,最光榮的宗徒,請在基督徒中,興起聖善的使徒和出版工作者,以信心、謙卑和熱忱來工作,好能傳播耶穌基督的國。(LS 324) O most glorious Apostle, raise up among the Christian people, holy Apostles and workers of the Press Apostolate, who would work with faith, humility and zeal to spread the kingdom of Jesus Christ (LS 324).


人人都是天主的子女,都領受天主無限的愛。天主渴望與他們談論美妙的事情……天主給祂的孩子寫了一封長信,並將其交給教會。教會是忠信的郵差,將天主的信傳遞給人們,以便每個人在自己的道路上受到啟迪,有一天能抵達目的地,與祂同在樂園裡。(LS 199) Men being all children of God, are infinitely loved by him. Longing to talk to them about wonderful things... he wrote them a long letter and gave it to the Church who, as a faithful postwoman, would deliver it to men, so that every man would be enlightened on his way and one […]


耶穌真理,願我們都跟隨祢、尊敬祢,並深入研究教理。耶穌道路,願我們都跟隨祢、尊敬祢及實踐祢的規誡、榜樣和指示!耶穌生命,願我們都跟隨祢,真實地活出祢,與祢相結合!我們是祢活的枝條;因著聖事、藉著聖事與祈禱,接枝在祢這棵樹上。(PR 132) May we all follow you, O Jesus-Truth, venerating and studying dogmas. May we all follow you, O Jesus-Way, venerating and practicing your precepts, examples, counsels! May we all follow you and live, O Jesus-Life, practicing union with you! That we are the living branches of You-Vine; grafted into you through the Sacraments, Sacramentals […]


天主創造我們,因此我們有了生命,來到這個世界。看啊,我們來到這個由天主創造的世界,天主決定了我們的終向。結局就是:天父本著祂的良善,希望有許多的孩子圍繞在祂四周、在祂的餐桌旁,祂在上面等著我們。(APD56, 313) The Lord created us and therefore we live. We came into the world. Behold, coming into the world, created by God, the Lord has destined us for an end and the end is this: in his goodness, the heavenly Father wants to have around him, up there, at his table, many children and […]


內修工夫的程度不一,有人非常熱忱,有人很冷淡。因此可以說:某些人真正忠於自己的職責,某些人則不忠於自己的職責。(APD56, 299) Interior work. There are people who live in fervour and there are people who do not live in fervour. And herein lies the whole reason why one can say: people who are truly faithful to their profession... and people who are not (APD56, 299).


啊,奉獻生活是愛德的生活!愛德在於:耐心、仁慈、寬恕、信任、憐憫、工作、生產、不過於嚴苛、撫慰痛苦,以及勤奮。(APD56, 154) Oh, religious life, life of charity! Patient charity, benign charity, charity that excuses, charity that believes, charity that sympathizes, charity that works, charity that produces, charity that takes away the harshness of life, charity that soothes sorrows and pains, charity that is productive (APD56, 154)