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主耶穌把許多美麗、慷慨和忠誠的人帶到保祿家庭。在他們當中,我們想起那位很快就被移植到天堂的第一朵花:Vigolungo Maggiorino(保祿會小修士馬喬理諾),他對出版善書的使徒工作有清晰的遠見。你們現在閱讀他的生命小史吧!向他祈禱,使人認識他,仿效他的美德。 The Lord has led many beautiful, generous and faithful souls to the Pauline Family. Among them we remember the first flower that was very soon transplanted into heaven: […]


愛德首先呈現於思想,然後擴及情感與言行,使你們成為樂於助人、心地善良、有同理心又寬大為懷的人;而不是導致在團體中難以接納他人。 Charity is first in thoughts, then in feelings, words and actions. Be helpful, people of great goodness, people who sympathize, who understand; not people who ometimes make it so […]


瑪利亞有一顆與耶穌相似的心,她分享祂的意願。她把耶穌的意願成為她自己的。你們要與耶穌、與教會有密切的關係。你們必須明瞭教宗、主教、神父、在教會服務的人、傳教士和所有獻身於使徒工作者的願望。 Mary had a heart similar to that of Jesus to share his desires. She made them all her own. Enter into intimacy with Jesus and intimacy with the Church... […]


雖然修會之間各自為政,卻有一條密切連繫的愛德鎖鏈,比那血統的鎖鏈更高貴。 There is separation between the Congregations; yet there is an intimate bond of charity, nobler than the bond of blood (AD, 35).


「領導者展現慈母般的溫柔和體貼,而部屬有子女般的順服,這樣才能凝聚力量,帶領大家同心一德。」這就是團體相處平安的祕訣,讓人感覺像個有活力的身體,所有成員在其中盡忠職守。 «Let her who commands show a motherly and sweet solicitude and she who is subject, show filial docility, to join forces and guide everyone to the common good». This […]


今天早上,我已經把你們所有的願望、你們的需求、你們每一個人都放入聖爵內。我們之間的精神、意願、目標必須團結一致。 This morning I have already placed in the chalice all your desires, your needs, your souls. Between us there must be a spiritual union of intent and purpose (APD47, […]


天主住在團體中的記號就是團結、合一與仁愛,因為天主就是愛。 The sign that God dwells in the community is unity, charity, because God is charity: «Deus caritas est» (AP 1958/2, p.140).


從思想產生話語、情感、行動,是思想在驅動,就像飛行員開飛機、司機駕駛汽車一樣。 From thoughts come words, feelings, and actions; it is the mind that drives, as the pilot flies the plane, as the driver drives the car (ACV, p. 19).


願年輕人愛天主、有同理心、謙卑與大方。心,是絕大的動力。 May the young man love God, may he be compassionate, humble and generous. The heart is a great power (ACV, p. 128).


有人從福音得到滋養,愛好默想,閱讀大量的靈修書籍;如此,他們牢記這些原則,並習以為常在心靈深處感受它們。 There are people who nourish themselves on the Gospel, love meditation, and make a lot of spiritual readings; in such a way that they remember these principles, feel them […]


牧靈的心態就是明瞭一個人靈的價值,明瞭這個人靈能否成為天主的子女意味著什麼,也就是說,這人靈能否活在恩寵中……知道人靈要想得救,必須接枝在耶穌基督身上。 Pastoral mentality means knowing the value of a soul, what it means for that soul to be a child of God or not to be a child of God, […]


明達的心智像一盞高高掛起的燈,照亮天父家中所有的人;一顆充滿聖寵的心就像福音的酵母放入麵團中一樣,能穿透人心並激勵心靈。 A well-enlightened mind lights up like a lantern placed high to shine on all who are in the house of the Father; a heart full of grace penetrates and […]