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願保祿家庭完全接枝在基督內。我們決不可離開基督——祂是神聖的橄欖樹、結果實的橄欖樹。無論是一個月、一星期或甚至一天,都不可以不來取食這生命之糧。 May the Pauline Family be completely grafted into Christ. InChrist, the holy olive, the fruit-bearing olive... Let us never leave, neither for a month, nor for a week, nor […]


聖保祿對人靈的愛表現在「基督的愛催迫著我們」這句話,敦促他為一切人成為一切。他感受到所有人的需要和喜樂。 St. Paul’s great love for souls is expressed in that «Caritas Christi urget nos» which urges him to do everything to everyone. He experienced the needs of all, the […]


福傳工作使我們成為天主的擴音器。司鐸、作家、技術人員、行銷宣傳人員依照會憲文件的精神,團結在一起,共同完成教會交給我們的使命。 The apostolate makes us the loudspeakers of God. Priests, writers, technicians, propagandists are united in a single apostolate, according to the spirit and the letter of the Constitutions; in […]


現在全世界的人、青年或政治界等等,每天都接受教會以外的學說,他們透過收音機聆聽非教會的理論;過去看電影的,現在轉向看電視。我們要培養自己敏銳覺察時代,以及我們對人靈的責任…… Develop a sensitive and realistic awareness of the times and our duties to souls. Today the whole world, the youth, the ruling class, receive every day other doctrines, listen […]


只有一個身體:即使在物質方面,也要彼此幫忙,如此是幫助了修會整體。只有一個精神:也就是你們都採用同樣的祈禱方式。只有一個希望:就是追求至善,邁向【將得到百倍的賞報並擁有永生】的目標。 Only one body: even in material things, one to help the others, and to help the whole Institute. Only one spirit: the same way of praying. One single hope, […]


聖保祿構思書信的內容,口述念給寫字的人,然後簽署書信;這些信件被傳到各個教會誦讀——好基督徒複製抄寫這些信;好基督徒傳閱這些信件。這些人實行出版使徒工作的真正職責。 Saint Paul conceived his letters and dictated them, reserving the right to sign them; good Christians multiplied them, copied them; good Christians circulated them. He exercised the true apostolate […]


聖保祿重用他人,在每座城市任命了值得尊敬的牧者:同樣,婦女們也為福傳工作而服務。在保祿書信中提到的人,是各個教會和大家應十分感謝的。 Taking help from others, Saint Paul ordained worthy priests in every city: Even the women served to spread the Gospel and some of them are remembered in his letters […]


在工作中,我希望全心全意地工作。我特别想向謙卑的耶稣祈求,希望祂能與我結合在一起,使我的生命成為祂的生命。 I want to work with all the alacrity of mind and heart, and of the task. Especially I want to pray so much to Jesus humble of heart, that […]


紀艾沙神父(Canon Chiesa)是保祿家庭的義父。從他那裡,我們得到了信理和靈修上的指引;多年來在各方面,他是我們的日常供應和幫助。他的一生與眾不同,每一項美德都很偉大,值得我們效法;我們每個人和每個行動都應顯示出他的熱忱。 Canon Chiesa was the Godfather of the Pauline Family. From him we received the doctrine, the spirit, and guidance; he was the daily support for many years, in […]


傳遞給我們的「聖保祿模式」不是外在的,而是要把他的特質發揮得淋漓盡致:他的心態、美德、熱忱、虔敬等等。保祿家庭有很多成員,應是活生生的聖保祿住在團體中。 The mould St. Paul is not for a physical replication of his bodily features, but for communicating his personality to us to the maximum: his mentality, virtue, zeal, piety... […]


少了謙虛,不能建樹什麼;在謙虛中,蕴含著我們的成聖和人性的幸福。驕傲的人,即使現在過得好,到了最後也會發現自己的悲慘。謙虛使人親近天主、親近人。謙虛就是真理。 Without humility nothing is achieved; in humility, instead, we find our sanctification and human happiness itself. The proud, even in the present life, will end up feeling bad... Humility […]


信德!有信德!我們就會在喜樂中工作:某人以一種方式貢獻使徒工作,另一個人以別的方式貢獻使徒工作,是這樣沒錯,但我們是一起從事出版使徒工作。需要有信德!信德——求主增加我們的信德。 Faith, faith. Then we work in joy: and one contributes to the apostolate in one form, the other in another form, yes, but all together we do the apostolate […]