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信德!有信德!我們就會在喜樂中工作:某人以一種方式貢獻使徒工作,另一個人以別的方式貢獻使徒工作,是這樣沒錯,但我們是一起從事出版使徒工作。需要有信德!信德——求主增加我們的信德。 Faith, faith. Then we work in joy: and one contributes to the apostolate in one form, the other in another form, yes, but all together we do the apostolate […]


「哪裡有仁愛,那裡就有天主」,倘若破壞了愛德,或者出現對立的判斷、批評、反感,或者有思想和行動上的分裂,漸漸地,天主的臨在就會減少。在愛德中團結一致,就會有平安、有聖德。 «Where there is charity, there is God», or the presence of God is lost as the bonds of charity are broken or contrary judgments or criticisms or dislikes or […]


拜訪團體是最能顯露聖保祿對子女的惦念和情懷的行動之一,因此,他重覆踏上傳教旅程,這耗了他許多心力,卻帶來了莫大的喜悦和超凡靈性的成果。 One of the works that best reveals the soul of Saint Paul, who was fond of his children and filled with zeal, is that of the visits... Thus he […]


在大公會議期間,保祿家庭的使徒工作被認可是教會的福傳事工,在教會和世界面前受到高度的重視。現在,印刷、電影、廣播和電視的進步是符合天主的旨意。 During the Council, Pauline activity was declared an apostolate alongside preaching, surrounded by high esteem before the Church and the world. The current progress of the press, cinema, radio […]


聖保祿勸告我們要彼此相愛,就像我們組成一個家庭一樣,或者說,只有一個身體和一個靈魂,大家也承擔彼此的過錯。 Saint Paul exhorts us to love one another as if we were forming a family, or rather, a single body and a single soul, bearing one another’s defects (APim, […]


聖保祿到一個地方時,並不是偶然路過那裡去發表一場演講——而是留下來建設當地的教會:取得知識分子的認同、勸勉、皈依、與基督結合,幫助他們度全面基督徒的生活。 When Saint Paul arrived, he did not appear for an occasional lecture: but he stayed and formed: to ensure the consent of the intellect, to persuade, to convert, to […]


作者(與編輯)、技術人員和行銷人員緊密地聯繫在一起。只有在這種結合中,我們才能為人靈提供益處。 The author, the technician, and the propagandist are deeply united. Only in this union do we attain the good of souls (RSP, p. 548).


天主聖言是有效的,不要常因我們自己的因素而削弱它的效能。聖保祿是怎樣宣講的?宗徒們是怎樣宣講的?教會的教父們又如何宣講?宣講需要努力、堅持、熱忱、心意純正:它要求我們有耶稣的心和祂對人靈的愛。 The Word of God has innate power: it often depends on us not to reduce it. How did St. Paul preach? How did the Apostles preach? How did the […]


聖保祿留下長老們延續他的工作,他常以書信和話語陪伴他們;他渴望得知他們的消息,他在精神上與他們連結在一起,為他們祈禱。 Saint Paul used to entrust to some priests to continue his work; he often used to return there with his word and writing; he wanted news, he was with […]


聖保祿在旅程中總是停留在有文化的繁榮城市,在那裡他建立了信仰的核心,就像一座火爐和一個中心,信仰從那裡——像是厄弗所、雅典、格林多、斐理伯、安提約基雅和羅馬——向四周散播。 In his journeys Saint Paul always sought out the great cities, the most cultured and commercial ones, where he established a nucleus of the faithful that were like a […]


信德透過愛德而工作,使我們與耶穌基督結合,在耶穌基督內,聖德——天主的生命——成了血肉之軀。不單如此,它在我們內創造新人,被耶穌基督的精神所激勵的新人。 Faith, working through charity, unites us to Jesus Christ in whom holiness, the divine life, is incarnated. It does more: it creates in us a new being, animated by […]


哦,聖保祿,你的仁慈使你自己為一切人成為一切,願你也能常看顧我這自私的人……變化我的心,重新喚醒我的愛心、慈善之心、奉獻之心。願你的心取代我的心。 O Saint Paul, who in your charity have made yourself everything to everyone, deign to look also at me who am often selfish... Change my heart: awaken in me […]