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讓我們祈求耶穌,使我們明瞭愛德有多麼重要;賜予我們恩寵,首先從家裡開始實踐愛德,然後擴及外人。由家裡開始,因為在家庭更有需要——必須從最親近的人開始實踐愛德。 Let us ask Jesus for kindness, the grace to understand how important charity is, and the grace to practice it first at Home and then with others outside. First […]


我們是天主的合作者,是耶穌基督的合作者,是教會的合作者。之所以是天主的合作者,因為藉著聖事、彌撒、祈禱和使徒工作,我們把耶穌生命傳給他人。 We are the cooperators of God, the cooperators of Jesus Christ, the cooperators of the Church. Cooperators of God because this gives life to souls through the sacraments and […]


聖保祿會對保祿家庭的成員說:你們要認識、愛慕、跟隨導師耶穌。【要效法我,如同我屬於基督】。這份邀請是普世性的,針對所有的信眾和跟隨者。對於我們要求更多,因為我們是他的孩子。孩子們承繼父親的生命;因此,為了活出耶穌基督,我們要在保祿內生活,藉著他、並為他而生活。 Saint Paul says to the Paulines: know, love, follow the Divine Master Jesus. «Be my imitators as I am of Christ». This invitation is general, for all his faithful […]


朝拜聖體不單單是祈禱而已,它實實在在是去探訪,就像你與所愛的人,例如你的母親、你的父親碰面一樣。探訪的目的,是為了確立我們在基督耶穌內的生活,為了活出祂。換句話說,是為了耶穌,偕同耶穌,並在祂內建立我們的生命。 The Visit is not just a bundle of prayers, it is really a visit, as if you were going to visit a loved one, for example your mother, father […]


整個人去愛天主,是什麼意思呢?這意味著以心靈愛祂……不一定時時刻刻是想著天主,但想的是與天主有關的。比方,做一件事時,盡力做好,並選用最合宜的方法。 To love the Lord with our whole being, what does it mean? It means to love him with the mind ... One does not always have to think about […]


不要把搞混我所謂的「性格」與個人主義、幻想及多少有可取之處的觀念。我強調的是在基督內的性格!因此,是發自內心的真誠合作。因為是與修會合作,同時也是與耶穌合作。 Do not confuse personality with personalism, fancy and ideas that may be more or less right. Personality in Christ! Therefore, sincere and heartfelt collaboration, because it is the collaboration […]


學業與實務經驗相輔相成,知識才能完整——知行合一,構成謙遜而有效的保祿會使徒工作。 Knowledge is acquired only when study is combined with experience: well-blended book and practice form the humble and effective Pauline in his apostolate (CISP, p. 168).


聽聽彼此的想法、工作、所寫的文章,或在辦公室想發起的創舉。我們要聽聽其他人的意見,互相糾正和幫助。我們每個人身上都擁有可相互取捨的東西。 Submitting our thoughts, our work, our written article, or the initiative that we wanted to take in the office, etc., we hear the opinion of others and we correct […]


可以在編輯上、技術上,或發行方面合作。從你所在的處境開始起步,隨著道路跟著走吧! Collaboration can be given both to the editorial, to the technical and to the propaganda sectors. From here on, follow this road (FSP-SdC, p. 73).


你們將知道如何尊重他人——「仁愛不思邪念」這句話說得好;因此人能夠善思、善意、善言、善行,知道如何與別人互相幫助——當家庭在國家立足後,更會顧及他人。 Knowing how to respect oneself: the saying «charity does not think of evil» applies very well here; therefore: «to think well, to desire well, to speak well, to do […]


這幾天,我相信聖經已經完成印刷,之後會出平裝本和精裝本。你們要下定决心多讀聖經,因為凡是讀聖經的人,特别是在朝拜聖體中,會受超性精神的影響,說出屬神的話語。 These days I believe the Bible printing is completed. Then there will be paperback and the binding. Make a resolution to read the Bible more, because whoever reads the […]


你生活在團體中,與其他會士經歷同樣的講道、指引、教育、活動、長上、食物,但你們彼此之間的想法卻可能相去甚遠,這是多大的反差啊! What a contrast when you live in community with the same preaching, guide, school, activities, superiors, food, but the thoughts of one and the other can be very far […]