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童貞聖母給了我們救主。(「給」含有「編輯」的意味)動詞「編輯」涵蓋美學層面,研究製作既符合禮儀又兼具藝術性的物品。亦包括修女們的工作,她們預備給兒童講授教理,慈祥和藹地向他們具體解釋。 The Blessed Virgin gave us the Saviour. It uses the verb “edidit”. The publication includes the creative concept, the study to produce an object that is at the same […]


愛吧!每天更多一點。以耶穌基督為榜樣去愛,再加上我們團結一家的原因:我們有聖保祿的心。 Love. Love always more. Love after the example of Jesus Christ, adding the reason that we are united as a single family: we have the heart of St. Paul […]


我們的福傳工作應是謙遜的:直到使出所有的才能;直到我們為愛天主和人靈的益處,而全力勤奮地展開工作。 Let our apostolate be humble: it is enough that we use in it all the talents we have received; it is enough that we perform it with diligence for […]


使徒知道何時揭開遮蓋聖母內在生活的面紗,看清她是多麼純樸。她的生活總結起來,應該是每位基督徒的理想:一切都是為了耶穌,偕同耶穌,在耶穌內…… The apostle will know the time and place to remove the veil that hides from our gaze the inner life of the Virgin Mary and highlight how uncomplicated and […]


「傳教士必須具備牧民色彩」是什麼意思呢?就是擁有能夠瞭解靈魂價值的這種思維。 To comprehend what one means when one emphasizes: «The apostolate must have a pastoral colour». What does it mean? To have this mentality: to know the value of souls […]


祈求耶穌賜予我們善牧之心,也就是為人靈而奉獻生命。憐憫慈悲是無窮無盡的,永不結束。 Ask Jesus for his charity as a Good Shepherd, that is, to give your life for souls. «Charity will never end» (PrP VIII, p. 91).


在聖體內,耶穌基督與我們連結在一起,把我們變成祂。「不是我們把耶穌變成我們的物質,而是耶穌把我們變成祂」……。耶穌自己與我們結合在一起,變化我們,並使我們和祂形成一心一體。 In Communion Jesus unites himself with us in order to transform us into himself... «It is Jesus that transforms us into Himself and not we that transform Him into […]


有個可怕的敵人,它經常破壞並掌控教育、學習、倡導等各個領域;它被稱為獨立自主的精神,導致人們按照自己的觀點行事,不向他人尋求諮詢或建議;對自己的想法過度自信。 A terrible enemy that entraps and often dominates in every sphere education, study, initiatives, administrations, etc., is the spirit of self-sufficiency, that leads to proceed according to one’s own […]


在一些團體內,人們總是面帶微笑;在那裡,你可以看到所有的人都平靜和睦;你覺得那裡真的有種保祿家庭的氣氛:親切的、相互理解的、憐憫的,不斷彼此互相幫助。天主住在那裡,姐妹們與祂一起生活。 In some houses there is always a smile; there one sees a serenity in all of them; one feels that there is truly a Pauline environment, cordial, of mutual […]


教宗若望二十三世這位好教宗永遠留在我們心中。紀念他的方式,就是承諾去學習和遵循他在《慈母與導師》及《和平於世》通諭中留給我們的教導。但最重要的是,我們致力遵循他作為好牧人所給予我們的榜樣。 The memory of the good Pope (John XXIII) remains with us always. And in his memory, there is the commitment to study and follow the teachings he taught us […]


團體是什麼意思?它意味著聚集……如果修會的精神擴及到全體身上,全體在聖神的行動中工作,大家的意向純正,並且首先致力於個人的成聖和修會的使徒工作,天主對此將十分高興。 What does the Congregation mean? It means an assembly... And it pleases the Lord if His Spirit is diffused in all of them and all of them work under […]


耶穌毫不厭倦地寬恕,而且每週、每天都在寬恕我們;讓我們去寬恕他人,如同我們希望自己被主寬恕那樣。 Jesus forgave with such breadth and he forgives us every week, every day: let us forgive others as we want to be forgiven ourselves (AP 1959, p. 126).