印刷使徒在他的著作中必須解答信仰的疑惑,必須具備天主默感聖經的目的:就是為了天主的光榮和人靈的得救。(AE, 161) The press apostle must resolve, in his writings, to have the same goal that God had in writing the Holy Book: God’s glory and the salvation of souls […]
印刷使徒在他的著作中必須解答信仰的疑惑,必須具備天主默感聖經的目的:就是為了天主的光榮和人靈的得救。(AE, 161) The press apostle must resolve, in his writings, to have the same goal that God had in writing the Holy Book: God’s glory and the salvation of souls […]
我們必須像聖保祿那樣行動,他問耶穌:「主,我當作甚麼?」他一知道天主的旨意,就立即準備好,不再多等待,馬上去做。(APim, 66) We must do like St. Paul, who turns to Jesus and says to him: «Lord, what do you want me to do?». And as soon as God’s will […]
把福音傳給人:這是我們每日的氣息,我們每天的祈禱。(RSP, 82) To give the Gospel to men: this is our daily sigh, this is our prayer (RSP, 82).
一名使徒必須以聖經為榜樣,為了讓自己的著作成為通往天堂的真正道路,也就是说,他必須用跟聖經同樣的方式及目的,探索相關的主題。(AE, 160) So that his writings would be the true way that leads to Heaven, the apostle must model himself on the Bible. In other words, he must explore the […]
讓祈禱優先,並且陪伴接下來的傳教工作。使徒把耶穌的祈禱「認識祢……和祢所派遣來的耶穌基督」變成自己的祈禱,因而分享同一個永恆救恩的效力。(AE, 166) Let prayer precede, accompany and follow up the apostolate. Let the apostle make his own the prayer of Jesus, «That they know you… and the one whom you […]
印刷使徒不是為了科學發明或創作文學作品,也不是為了傳播自己或他人的思想,而單單是為了傳播教會給予的啟示真理,並引導人接近這些真理。(AE, 162) It is not the aim of the press apostle to propose scientific or literary works as such; nor to spread his own or other people’s ideas. His exclusive […]
在編輯室裡,最好的陳設品是福音作者的畫像;最好的標誌和供奉的對象是一本打開的福音書,當中寫著:「種子是天主的話語」。最珍貴的参考書是教父和教會聖師們做了諸多評論的聖經。(AE, 163) The best adornment in an editorial office is a depiction of the Evangelists; the best sign and object of veneration is the Gospel opened at the words: «The […]
作家的心靈對於天主可愛的話語,漸漸獲得微妙和驚人的知識,在不知不覺中逐漸滲入著作裡。(AE, 163) The mind of the writer will gradually acquire the delicate and marvellous knowledge of the adorable word of God in a way that, without realizing it, he will […]
印刷使徒需要學習天主的語言,以便放到自己的作品中;不是他在說話,而是他讓天主發言,這將會產生效果。(AE, 162) The press apostle needs to learn the divine language in order to instil it into his works. These will be effective to the degree that he speaks of […]
作者必須被聖書的内容薰陶,才有可能傳播它!如果他恆心地將聖經作為日常閱讀和默想的内容,他就會完成目標……以子女的態度,全心全意聽從天父的的吩咐。(AE, 163) The writer must be penetrated with the content of the divine Book in order to instil it! And he will succeed if he has the constancy of making […]
因為愛,促使天主把不可言喻的聖經作為禮物送給世人。同樣也因著愛,推動使徒去寫作。(AE, 166) The reason behind God’s giving human beings his ineffable gift of Holy Scripture was love. This same love must inspire the apostle to write (AE, 166).
聖經是天主給人類的長信,召喚他們走向天堂……。它是一本神聖的書:包含了需要實行的法律,需要相信的真理;它指出、揭示並提供獲得恩典的方法,為了使人以天主子女的身分去相信和行動,以達目標。(AE, 159-160) The Bible is God’s long letter addressed to human beings, calling them to heaven… It is the divine Book. It embodies the laws to be practiced and the […]