有些人心中聖保祿的形象是這樣的:放眼全世界,心神日夜不斷地念及所有人,滿懷神聖的熱忱——那股熱火將他轉變為耶穌基督並推動他耗盡一切。每位使徒的心靈都該如此。(AE, 350) There are those who imagine Saint Paul like this: with his eye on the geographical panorama of the pagan world, his soul tense night and day to all […]
有些人心中聖保祿的形象是這樣的:放眼全世界,心神日夜不斷地念及所有人,滿懷神聖的熱忱——那股熱火將他轉變為耶穌基督並推動他耗盡一切。每位使徒的心靈都該如此。(AE, 350) There are those who imagine Saint Paul like this: with his eye on the geographical panorama of the pagan world, his soul tense night and day to all […]
做福傳工作時,需要選擇一枝浸入耶穌聖心的筆,並懂得在紙張上傳達思想……選擇能贏得人心、滿足思想、牽引意志的筆。一枝能適應時代、適應人群的筆。(AE, 378) The apostolate needs talented writers who dip into the Heart of Jesus and convey their thoughts on paper… Chosen writers who win hearts, satisfy the minds, sway the […]
全心愛天主和人靈,使徒是學習善用上天為他的目的所賜予的一切,以便受造物向造物主唱出讚美詩。使徒會知道如何從廢土種出玫瑰及百合花,將破布轉變為傳播福音的紙張。(AE, 380) In the fullness of his love for God and for his fellow human beings, the apostle is to learn how to utilize everything that providence offers him for […]
祈求在至聖童貞的精神中妥善參與感恩聖祭的恩典,你們必須深入聖母的精神,與她有同樣的感受。熱心使徒的整個生活是聖母生活的延續:虔誠的門徒必須與聖母一起生活。(APD47, 173) Ask for the grace to attend the Holy Mass well, always better, in the spirit of the Holy Virgin. You must intimately enter into the spirit of Our […]
懷著聖母的意向、感受、心願、渴望與計畫,為聖母而活。你有瑪利亞的思想、感受與願望嗎?你行事像瑪利亞嗎?你感覺自己與瑪利亞在一起嗎?或感到在她內嗎?你有每天自我更新與轉變嗎?(APD47, 232) Own the intentions, feelings, aspirations, desires, having Mary’s plans. Live like Mary. Do you have the thoughts, feelings, aspirations of Blessed Maria? Do you work as Mary would […]
耶穌基督從天上而來,是天父的使徒,為迷失的孩子們指明了成全之路。在完成了他的神聖使命之後,祂回到天父身旁。祂委托給教會的使徒繼續祂的任務和工作後,在教會中,祂的神聖使命在良好的刋物中得以延續。(AE, 382-383) Jesus Christ, the Father’s apostle, came down from heaven to show the way of wholeness to his lost children. At the completion of his divine mission, having entrusted […]
使徒研究人類和國家的重要精神及道德需求,然後他寫下來,透過印刷的宣講台來推廣,就像講道者在教會的講道台上一樣。使徒把他從天主白白得來的東西,也白白地分施。(AE, 383) The apostle studies the important spiritual and moral needs of peoples and nations; then he writes and promotes from the pulpit of the press, just like the preacher […]
我們的推廣不是商業行為,因為它不是商品或利益交換,它的目的不是為了利潤或賺錢,而是為了天主的光榮和人類的永恆救恩。(AE, 383) Promotion is not business because there is no barter of goods and money; its aim is not gain but God’s glory and the eternal salvation of human beings […]
使徒必須是好天使,提醒每個人永恆的生命和得救的方法;使徒向那些只關心世事的天主子女談論天主和天堂。(AE, 384) The apostle must be the good angel who reminds every one of their eternal destiny and the ways of salvation; the angel who speaks of God and of […]
傳播者是分配員,他從教會中取出耶穌基督託付給他的寶物,並把它們分發給人:讓我們每個人把自己看作是基督的僕人,是天主奧祕的管理員。(AE, 385) The apostle promoter is a dispenser who takes from the Church’s treasury the riches entrusted to her by Jesus Christ and distributes it to people: «This is how […]
没有散發出去的福傳印刷品就像隱藏的燈,或是沒有孩子的家庭。燈如果被藏起來就不能發光,同樣,如果好的印刷品閒置在倉庫,就不能照亮人靈。(AE, 386) The press apostolate without the diffusion may be likened to hiding a lamp under a bushel, to a family without children. Just as a lamp, if it is […]
耶穌基督教導我們不要等待人來,而是去尋找他們。使徒必須像導師一樣,在城市、鄉鎮、家庭,甚至最偏遠的地區傳播天主的話語,因為所有人都蒙召要認識救恩之道。(AE, 387) Jesus Christ taught us not to wait for people, but to seek them out. Like the Teacher, the apostle must promote God’s word in the cities, in the […]