耶穌基督是鏡頭,聖保祿透過此鏡頭來研究人生各種面向,解決基督徒生命的所有問題。(APim, 144) Jesus Christ is the lens, the prism that helps St. Paul to study all the aspects of the life of man and to solve all the problems of the Christian life (APim, 144).
耶穌基督是鏡頭,聖保祿透過此鏡頭來研究人生各種面向,解決基督徒生命的所有問題。(APim, 144) Jesus Christ is the lens, the prism that helps St. Paul to study all the aspects of the life of man and to solve all the problems of the Christian life (APim, 144).
一位永不疲倦的步旅者,創立各地教會,熾燃心靈熱火——這就是聖保祿的形象,他的心就是基督的心。(APim, 144) A tireless walker, founder of churches in the whole world, igniter of hearts: this is the figure of St. Paul, “whose heart was the heart of Christ” (APim, 144).
聖保祿詠讚、宣揚天主的榮耀,推動對天主的崇敬,倡導天主的法律;他為了基督入獄,成了囚犯,卻時時生活在基督內。(APim, 145) St. Paul is the singer of God, the preacher of the glory of God, the promoter of his cult, the champion of the laws of God, the segregated for Christ, the prisoner for Christ, the man who lives in Christ (APim, 145).
聖保祿在我們面前成了種種美德的典範。他仿效耶穌導師,以身作則;因此,他吸引了無數人靈,跟在他身後有一隊伍的聖人。(APim, 146) St. Paul stands before us as the model of every virtue. In imitating the Divine Master, first, he practiced and then taught others. Thus, he drew to himself many souls and behind him, there is a procession of saints (APim, 146).
朝拜聖體的時間是你的首要工作;不僅如此,而且是指導你一天所有其他工作的重心;你所有的內在生活和外在活動都會從中獲得力量和安慰。(APD47, 126) The hours of Adoration are your first work; not only that but the centre of the day to which you must direct all your other work; and from which all your interior life and exterior activity will take vigour and comfort (APD47, 126).
不斷前進!像基督的宣揚者、像天主的旅行者聖保祿;他是感受到「基督住在我內」的使徒,他陪伴教會走過艱辛的旅程。(APim, 146) Always straining forward like Christ the propagandist, like Paul, walker for God. Feeling the Apostle’s “Christ lives in me” is to accompany the Church in her difficult journey (APim, 146).
無時無刻都要福傳,這是主的命令:「你們往普天下去,向一切受造物宣傳福音」。正如所有人都蒙召獲得救恩,因此,所有人都必須知道天主所啟示的真理、該遵守的誡命,以及認識到達目標的恩寵之道。(UPS III, 124) Evangelization to be carried out in every age and every place, in accordance with God’s command: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation”. As all are called to salvation so all must know the truths revealed by God, the precepts to be observed and the means […]
聖保祿有個讓他時刻都在想的心思——耶穌基督;他有個讓他全力以赴的理想——耶穌基督;有個讓他一生充滿動力與熱情的愛——耶穌基督。(APim, 144) St. Paul has an idea that haunts him: Jesus Christ; he has an ideal to which he aspirs with all his might: Jesus Christ; a passionate love that is the spring of his whole life: Christ (APim, 144).
如果你的靈修沒有持續進步,沒有逐漸了解天主、福音、教理與會憲,不在奉獻生活和使徒工作中日益修德成聖,你就不是聖保祿的兒女。(APim, 147) We are not sons and daughters of St. Paul if we are not always on the go in our spiritual work, in knowing ever better the Lord, the Gospel, the doctrine of the Church, our Constitutions, and in observing religious life ever more perfectly and progressing in the apostolate (APim, 147).
你們要如同聖保祿一樣,必須成為出版的使徒;要像他一樣有顆包容全人類旳廣闊的心,以及不知疲倦的英勇行動。你們必須從他學習「為一切人成為一切」的技巧。祕訣就在於愛:在任何事上應有愛德。(APim, 147) Like St. Paul, the apostle of the editions must be a great heart that embraces all of humanity, his activity tireless and heroic. He must learn from his model the art of making himself “all for all”. The secret is love: “In all things, charity!” (APim, 147).
活出保祿!活出並為昏昏沉睡的人帶來光明;活出並支持那些在奮鬥中的熱心使徒;活出並將你高超的默觀,帶給那些熱愛與天主更親密往來的人!(APim, 214) Live Paul!... Live and enlighten darkened minds, live and sustain the ardent apostles of our day in their struggles; live and bring to intimate souls, to souls who love closer communication with God, your elevations and your contemplations! (APim, 214).
在會祖某次關於天堂的講道之後,賈卡鐸神父問:「我可做什麼來獲得最美麗的天堂?」這是讓願望實現的定志:我們還能做些什麼來獲得更美麗的天堂? (Prediche del Primo Maestro, 24s) After a sermon on Paradise, Master Giaccardo asked: What more could I do to acquire the most beautiful Paradise? Here is an aspiration that we can make our own: what more can we do to acquire a more beautiful Paradise? (Prediche del Primo Maestro, 24s).