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作者(與編輯)、技術人員和行銷人員緊密地聯繫在一起。只有在這種結合中,我們才能為人靈提供益處。 The author, the technician, and the propagandist are deeply united. Only in this union do we attain the good of souls (RSP, p. 548).


天主聖言是有效的,不要常因我們自己的因素而削弱它的效能。聖保祿是怎樣宣講的?宗徒們是怎樣宣講的?教會的教父們又如何宣講?宣講需要努力、堅持、熱忱、心意純正:它要求我們有耶稣的心和祂對人靈的愛。 The Word of God has innate power: it often depends on us not to reduce it. How did St. Paul preach? How did the Apostles preach? How did the great doctors of the Church preach? This ministry requires hard work, perseverance, zeal, and right intention: it requires that we possess the heart of Jesus, […]


聖保祿留下長老們延續他的工作,他常以書信和話語陪伴他們;他渴望得知他們的消息,他在精神上與他們連結在一起,為他們祈禱。 Saint Paul used to entrust to some priests to continue his work; he often used to return there with his word and writing; he wanted news, he was with them in spirit, he prayed for them (APim, p. 227).


聖保祿在旅程中總是停留在有文化的繁榮城市,在那裡他建立了信仰的核心,就像一座火爐和一個中心,信仰從那裡——像是厄弗所、雅典、格林多、斐理伯、安提約基雅和羅馬——向四周散播。 In his journeys Saint Paul always sought out the great cities, the most cultured and commercial ones, where he established a nucleus of the faithful that were like a hearth and a centre from which the faith spread all around: like Ephesus, Athens, Corinth, Philippi, Antioch, Rome (APim, p. 88).


信德透過愛德而工作,使我們與耶穌基督結合,在耶穌基督內,聖德——天主的生命——成了血肉之軀。不單如此,它在我們內創造新人,被耶穌基督的精神所激勵的新人。 Faith, working through charity, unites us to Jesus Christ in whom holiness, the divine life, is incarnated. It does more: it creates in us a new being, animated by the spirit of Jesus Christ (DF, 64).


哦,聖保祿,你的仁慈使你自己為一切人成為一切,願你也能常看顧我這自私的人……變化我的心,重新喚醒我的愛心、慈善之心、奉獻之心。願你的心取代我的心。 O Saint Paul, who in your charity have made yourself everything to everyone, deign to look also at me who am often selfish... Change my heart: awaken in me feelings of kindness, of charity, of dedication. Make my heart according to your heart (BM, p. 107).


我們的奉獻生活必須不斷地進步:在思想上、在意志上、在心靈上,使耶穌真正成為整個生命的中心,並反覆聖保祿的話:【生活已不是我生活,而是耶穌在我內生活】。 Offering (of self) must be lived with an ever growing rhythm: in the mind... in the will... in the heart... so that Jesus may truly become the centre of all life and we may be able to repeat with Saint Paul: «It is no longer I who live, it is Jesus who lives in […]


透過聖保祿的書信去認識並默想他的生活和工作;按照他的方式來思考、推理、說話和行動;並祈求他父愛的幫助。 Know and meditate on Saint Paul in his life, works, and letters; think, reason, speak, and work according to him; and invoke his paternal assistance (ACV, p. 63).


耶穌基督,我們的導師、道路、真理和生命,求祢使我們學得祢至高愛德的學問,具有聖保祿宗徒及天主教會的精神。請派遣聖神,教導和提示我們祢所宣講的道理。 MONTHLY INTENTION O Jesus, our Master, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, make us learn the highest knowledge of your charity in the spirit of Saint Paul the Apostle and of the Catholic Church. Send your Holy Spirit to teach us and suggest to us what you taught us according to […]


神聖的導師在《若望福音》第十七章「大司祭的祈禱」中重覆了四次「合而為一」,我們没有任何人是主人,而都是在服務。我們没有任何人已是完美的,而都是正在追尋完美的過程中。 The unum sint, repeated four times by the Divine Master in the priestly prayer, is an inspiration for us. All are at service, no one is a master; all are in search of perfection, no one is perfect (UPS I, 292).


靜心想著天上的事物及真理……。然後我們明白,天主為了自己的光榮和我們永恆的幸福而創造了我們,這樣,我們的生活就有了方向。一段時間之後我們會改變,變得依照信德來生活,依照天主的旨意而生活。 The serene soul contemplates the divine things, the truths ... And then we understand that the Lord has made us for him, for his glory and for our eternal happiness. Then our life is oriented. After a certain period, one becomes another: one lives according to faith, one lives according to the will of […]


我們需要想一想,婦女能為教會和人類貢獻什麼。正是為此創立了「保祿家庭」;天主不希望它單獨只有男人或女人。 It is necessary that we think what contribution can come from the woman to the Church, to humanity. It is for this that the Pauline Family was thought of, the Lord did not want it composed only of men, but he also wanted it composed also of women (FSP-SdC, p. 448).